A Directory of Diverse and Inclusive Small Biz in San Antonio
Small Biz San Antonio was created to amplify the diversity that makes San Antonio beautiful, to provide a platform for Inclusive Consumers to find small biz to support, and to showcase our compassionate and inclusive city's amazing small businesses.
Our Small Biz are proud to be:
Black Owned LGBTQIA+ Owned Asian Owned Minority Owned ✡Jewish-owned
Latino/a/X Owned Disability Owned Native Owned Woman Owned Veteran Owned Ally
Why list my Small Biz?
Facebook found that online campaigns with more diverse representation had higher ad recall in 90% of the simulations they ran. (Facebook).
The majority (54%) of consumers surveyed in the Facebook study said they do not feel fully culturally represented in online advertising and most (71%) expect brands to promote diversity and inclusion in their online advertising (Facebook).
Some 59% of consumers polled said they are more loyal to brands that stand for diversity and inclusion in online advertising, and 59% also said they prefer to buy from brands that stand for diversity and inclusion in online advertising (Facebook).
Two out of three Americans say their social values now shape their shopping choices (McKinsey, 2021)
45% of consumers believe retailers should actively support Black-owned businesses and brands. (McKinsey, 2021)
The “Inclusive Consumer” is 1.8 times more likely than other shoppers to seek out Black-owned brands, and 1.4 times more likely to seek out small businesses that they can support.(McKinsey, 2021)
The takeaway:
While consumers may not look down upon a brand if it doesn’t demonstrate inclusion in its marketing collateral, they are more likely to appreciate, trust, engage with, and purchase from a brand that does.
Moreover, the Inclusive Consumer, proactively seeking out ways to support minority businesses and causes they care about, can be a valuable resource for building a genuine community of diversity, equity, and inclusion around your brand.
Diversity and Inclusion
Diversity represents a broad range of experiences, including gender, sex, socioeconomic background, upbringing, religion, education, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, neurodiversity, and life experience.(Betterup.com)
Inclusion, on the other hand, means that every individual should have an equal opportunity to access education, resources, opportunities, or any other treatment based on the qualities that make them unique. (Betterup.com)
In summary, diversity and inclusion is a conversation about rewriting implicit bias — rooting it out wherever it exists and challenging the idea that different means inferior. (Betterup.com)
Charter for Compassion
Karen Armstrong - Charter for Compassion
Add your name to millions affirming the Charter for Compassion. Join us in a commitment to leading an ethical life, acting with compassion and practicing endless acts of kindness by clicking on the yellow button below.
For more information and to join the Compassionate Action movement
Please visit CompassionateUSA.org and CharterforCompassion.org